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August 16, 2023


  • DEMO: wadm actor daemonscaler
  • DEMO: Concordance (event sourcing) code generation and documentation enhancements preview
  • DISCUSSION: roadmap update
  • REMINDER: WasmCon is September 6-7 in Bellevue Washington and registration is still open!

Meeting Notes

DEMO: wadm actor daemonscaler

  • An exciting new development and something Brooks is working on for an upcoming talk.
  • Wadm currently has what we call a spreadscaler, which supports running a certain number of replicas across a specified set of hosts based on labels.
  • The daemonscaler - just like K8s DaemonSet - will spread this across every matching host in a lattice.
  • Depending on the app you're writing - it could be useful to dynamically scale based on the infrastructure that is connected to the lattice.
  • Because of the way that wadm is written, it didn't take too much logic to add this feature.
  • There will also be a provider side - more on this soon.
  • You can look at the code here and all comments, suggestions are welcome.

DEMO: Concordance (event sourcing) code generation and documentation enhancements - preview

  • Background: Concordance is an event sourcing framework built on wasmCloud.
  • You build your Wasm primitives as components and concordance takes care of the hard work.
  • One of the samples we built is a simple bank account example - simple aggregate which does some simple processing.
  • We also have a pile of boilerplate where we switch on the type name and variables - when we handle a command, we switch on type commands and run the right function.
  • It's the same with events - we switch on the data type and manually invoke deserialisation.
  • This is not ideal. We don't have strongly typed handlers - we must switch each time.
  • We have developed a way to surface the event flow - if you use Concordance you may have noticed there is an rdf turtle file that we used to define the event flow.
  • Again, our tolerance for friction is low - even editing a turtle file is not ideal.
  • We want to be able to write documentation on the event model.
  • Open source model of the event catalog - if we fuse site generators like Hugo or Docusaurus it will look familiar.
  • We have events for a sample application - lunar rover - see applications running on the (hypothetical) moon!
  • We're now able to see how things have changed over time, all in one place. The overwhelming ability to view and discover will make a huge difference to developers.
  • We recommend watching the recording to see the details.

DISCUSSION: wasmCloud roadmap update

  • We always want to keep you updates and, of course, to keep Brooks honest! You can see the wasmCloud Roadmap.
  • Top level - leveraging WIT for all interfaces = language support is our major focus.
  • wasi-cloud instead of was Cloud interface - with a focus on backwards compatibility with the way you build wasmCloud apps today.
  • For devs looking at wasmCloud as a project and are seeing these major ecosystem changes there is a desire to know which ones are really an effort on the maintainer side and what is changing in the experience for people building applications with wasmCloud.
  • It's really important to be able to leverage WIT to define interfaces rather than in Smithy which will start to be deprecated.
  • Active milestones can be seens in the wasmCloud repo.
  • We will be publishing out a Smithy to WIT interface migration guide.
  • Another major milestone is getting the rust host up to feature parity with the wasmCloud OTP. Having the rust host become a drop-in replacement for the OTP host.
  • For net new deployments using WebAssembly components we'll be using standard interfaces - awesome way to bring this to wasmCloud without a proprietary interface.
  • Wadm will soon be ready for v0.5.0-rc.1.

REMINDER: WasmCon is September 6-7 in Bellevue Washington and registration is still open! The wasmCloud maintainers will be there - we hope to see you! Join us for the Componentize the World Hackathon - register now!
